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(Junior) accountmanager

(Junior) accountmanager

  • Amsterdam
  • periode 23-1-2023 t/m 30-6-2023

During the internship, we will show you the full (supply-side) B2B sales process of an up-and-coming bike marketplace:

– Market research, identifying and categorizing prospective partners by their potential added value,

– Preparing sales materials and planning detailed daily itineraries,

– Field sales trips, pitching to prospective partners and closing partnerships,

– Onboarding new partners, explaining ins and outs of the cooperation,

– Assisting with digitalization of partners’ stock: photographing, inputting data,

– Account management of current partners: sales and complaint management, stock updates, upselling additional services,

– Strategic partnership quality and intensity analysis,

– Providing feedback to the product development team to further adjust the marketplace.

You will get a chance to experience all of the steps yourself with a focus on the simpler tasks, and depending on your learning trajectory, you can work yourself into a full-time role.

Getagd als: Inside sales, Outside sales, Selling, Social selling

Sales & account management internship

Wat ga je leren?

  • Onderzoekt de markt en doet voorstellen voor commercieel beleid
  • B1-K1-W1 Verzamelt klant-, product- en marktinformatie
  • B1-K1-W2 Doet voorstellen voor verkoopbeleid, marketingbeleid en/of marktbewerking
  • Voert het verkooptraject uit
  • B1-K2-W1 Bereidt het verkooptraject voor
  • B1-K2-W2 Acquireert klanten en/of opdrachten
  • B1-K2-W3 Voert verkoopgesprekken
  • B1-K2-W4 Doet een aanbod met prijsberekening
  • B1-K2-W5 Verzorgt het (interne) ordertraject
  • Zorgt voor relatiebeheer en klantenservice
  • B1-K3-W1 Onderhoudt klantcontact en voert aftersales uit
  • B1-K3-W2 Behandelt klachten
  • B1-K3-W3 Voert promotieactiviteiten uit
  • B1-K3-W4 Voert webcare werkzaamheden uit
  • Voert het accountmanagement uit
  • P4-K1-W1 Voert accountanalyses uit
  • P4-K1-W2 Stelt accountplannen op
  • P4-K1-W3 Coördineert de uitvoering van accountplannen en stelt deze bij
  • P4-K1-W4 Evalueert de accountplannen en stelt verbeteringen voor
  • P4-K1-W5 Bouwt een netwerk op en onderhoudt dit

Naar wie zijn wij op zoek?

BikeFair provides a dynamic, ambitious environment that is not suited for everyone. If you're looking for an easy time of making coffee, we might not be the right place. We look for high-achievers who want to learn and be the best in what they do. Driven, self-sustainable, mature leaders able to work individually in an organized way and come up with new initiatives and ideas on their own. Generally, we are looking for: - The ‘McGyver mindset’ – what can YOU do with only a paperclip? - Inner motivation of Nikola Tesla – let's work on something that has a meaning! - Discipline of Captain America, - Unhealthy affection for bikes – owning three or more bikes is a must! - Slightly twisted sense of humour. (The line above is a joke, of course. Partly.) You should be fluent in Dutch and have a working proficiency in English. For this specific role, you should also be an outgoing person, a good communicator able to turn any challenge into an opportunity. We'll teach you the rest.

Wat biedt het bedrijf?

We nurture a "work hard, play hard" culture. So the least you'll get is: - A competitive internship allowance, - Fun activities with the team: dinners, BBQs, bike rides, VrijMiBos, networking with investors, etc., - Own (stand-up) work desk in a buzzing start-up offices, - Unlimited coffee & tea. - Absolute hands-on experience large companies can’t provide, and a - Load of freedom to actually do your job well. - Chance to join BikeFair for the long run, - And, of course, a bike for personal use. 🙂

Opleiding (Junior) accountmanager

Crebonummer: 25132
Leerweg: bol


  • Bereid om te werken aan fysieke toegankelijkheid


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