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Expert IT systems and devices

Expert IT systems and devices

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What will you learn?

You will anticipate and have the chance to learn and build our new Microsoft 365 datacenter environment from scratch (the beginning) and support new world-wide international customers on the new cloud services platform. Thinking of security, advanced networking, servers virtualization, (mobile) application distribution, backup, (remote) managing and monitoring.

We have certified partnerships with marketleaders vendor to accomplimish this task.

Our vision, your ambition!

Our vision is to give hands-on practical experience to the students in several different IT fields in the IT-branche on-site at our office.

Accomplish your IT ambition and knowledge! We are also working with big international companies who is looking for IT functions/roles to fulfill and give them permanent contracts.

Getagd als: Computer Science, HBO, ICT, IT, Online, Software, Systeembeheer

Are you looking to fullfil your IT-ambitions to fast-pace learn and to anticipate with building a new Microsoft cloud (M365) environment? Stop, don't look further you have found us.

Wat ga je leren?

  • Ondersteunt gebruikers
  • B1-K1-W1 Handelt meldingen af
  • B1-K1-W2 Instrueert gebruikers
  • B1-K1-W3 Installeert, configureert en beheert gebruikersdevices
  • Beheert de infrastructuur
  • B1-K2-W1 Installeert en configureert netwerk- en infrastructuuronderdelen
  • B1-K2-W2 Beheert en monitort netwerk- en infrastructuuronderdelen
  • Beheert applicaties
  • B1-K3-W1 Adviseert over, installeert en configureert applicaties
  • B1-K3-W2 Onderhoudt applicaties
  • Ontwikkelt digitale informatievoorzieningen
  • P2-K1-W1 Ontwerpt een informatievoorziening
  • P2-K1-W2 Automatiseert processen
  • P2-K1-W3 Beheert databases
  • Controleert de security
  • P2-K2-W1 Geeft security advies en verbetert de security
  • P2-K2-W2 Reageert op security incidenten

Naar wie zijn wij op zoek?

We are looking for students who has IT ambitions to grow and learn fast in real life! You will learn and work with the latest high-tech solutions on the market. You are greedy to learn new things and find solutions to work smarter, better and cost-effective. Don't be shy, please feel our office vibe as your second home! The more we laugh, the more we are working better together.

Wat biedt het bedrijf?

- The opportunity to be an employee of our team after you have graduated. - You will have the ability to fast-pace learning on the job with high-tech solutions. - Every end of the month we have a teambuilding day with activities.

Opleiding Expert IT systems and devices

Crebonummer: 25606
Leerweg: bbl


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  • Leerbedrijf ID
  • 100720591