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Expert IT systems and devices

  • Amsterdam
  • periode 1-10-2022 t/m 1-3-2023

At Hubs, we empower engineers to create revolutionary products. Manufacturing is notoriously challenging for companies big and small. We’re changing that by making reliable manufacturing methods instantly available to engineers all over the world through our online platform.

If you’re looking for a tech scale-up in Amsterdam there are a few to choose from, but none quite with our story. Over the past 8 years, we’ve built the world’s largest distributed manufacturing network and have built the easiest-to-use product for ordering custom parts. We help the companies you know and love to build a better future, from humble startups to big names like Audi, HP, and NASA. Some parts we’ve produced are floating in space right now.

Due to rapid growth and increased volume, we are looking for an ICT Intern, 32 hours a week or full-time, to work in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This internship has an ideal period of 6 months (summer internships also possible), starting in June/Early July.

Getagd als: Computer Science, HBO, ICT, IT, Online, Software, Systeembeheer

IT beheer & testing in een jong wereldwijd bedrijf met 200 medewerkers

Wat ga je leren?

  • Ondersteunt gebruikers
  • B1-K1-W1 Handelt meldingen af
  • B1-K1-W2 Instrueert gebruikers
  • B1-K1-W3 Installeert, configureert en beheert gebruikersdevices
  • Beheert de infrastructuur
  • B1-K2-W1 Installeert en configureert netwerk- en infrastructuuronderdelen
  • B1-K2-W2 Beheert en monitort netwerk- en infrastructuuronderdelen
  • Beheert applicaties
  • B1-K3-W1 Adviseert over, installeert en configureert applicaties
  • B1-K3-W2 Onderhoudt applicaties
  • Ontwikkelt digitale informatievoorzieningen
  • P2-K1-W1 Ontwerpt een informatievoorziening
  • P2-K1-W2 Automatiseert processen
  • P2-K1-W3 Beheert databases
  • Controleert de security
  • P2-K2-W1 Geeft security advies en verbetert de security
  • P2-K2-W2 Reageert op security incidenten

Opleiding Expert IT systems and devices

Crebonummer: 25606
Leerweg: bol


  • Stagevergoeding

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Logo van Hubs
  • Leerbedrijf ID
  • 100723176