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Expert IT systems and devices

Expert IT systems and devices

  • Eindhoven
  • periode 1-2-2023 t/m 31-8-2023

As an expert IT systems and devices in training you will work in a team. You’ll support in the day-to-day management and maintenance of the ICT infrastructure. To be able to do this you feel comfortable with the Windows family.

Maintaining ICT systems and devices is becoming more automated every day. Infrastructure as code is implemented. Working smart by optimizing and automating returning maintenance jobs using systems and tools or building and testing automation scripts is a valuable skill. Improving the quality and efficiency of device maintenance and management.

No longer are application development and system management completely separated now moving towards DEVOPS being able to deploy and integrate (CD/CI) in a way more agile way.

Getagd als: Computer Science, HBO, ICT, IT, Online, Software, Systeembeheer

Work in the centre of the Brainport High-Tech Industy

Wat ga je leren?

  • Ondersteunt gebruikers
  • B1-K1-W1 Handelt meldingen af
  • B1-K1-W2 Instrueert gebruikers
  • B1-K1-W3 Installeert, configureert en beheert gebruikersdevices
  • Beheert de infrastructuur
  • B1-K2-W1 Installeert en configureert netwerk- en infrastructuuronderdelen
  • B1-K2-W2 Beheert en monitort netwerk- en infrastructuuronderdelen
  • Beheert applicaties
  • B1-K3-W1 Adviseert over, installeert en configureert applicaties
  • B1-K3-W2 Onderhoudt applicaties
  • Ontwikkelt digitale informatievoorzieningen
  • P2-K1-W1 Ontwerpt een informatievoorziening
  • P2-K1-W2 Automatiseert processen
  • P2-K1-W3 Beheert databases
  • Controleert de security
  • P2-K2-W1 Geeft security advies en verbetert de security
  • P2-K2-W2 Reageert op security incidenten

Naar wie zijn wij op zoek?

In our infrastructure we use a plethora of systems, brands and technologies. We try to align and simplify these as much as possible. Being aware of the used components and the function in the total architecture is paramount. Some components, technologies or brands you might encounter: Windows Desktop and Server 2012 and up Linux ESET End point security Office 365 Databases MS SQL and Oracle Docker Zabbix pfSense Hypervisors - ESXi, Proxmox Network segmentation - VLANs Certification and security - SSL, SSH Scripting - Bash, Batch, PowerShell SAN / NAS As part of a team we expect the student to act as a team member. Working in a team means following protocols with a high sense of responsibility. Keeping systems up and running, healthy and secure. Design and improve procedures, but also maintaining documentation on the systems, devices and processes. While part of the job is to use and maintain the existing infrastructure, we are always trying to optimize this.

Wat biedt het bedrijf?

CrescentOne is located on the Brainport Industries Campus (BIC) in Eindhoven, close to the airport. The BIC is a vibrant location where a great diversity of organizations has their offices and factories. Goal of the campus is to facilitate and stimulate these organizations to join forces. This goal is implemented in several innovation projects where we work together on the factory of the future. The BIC is a large and modern facility, easy to reach and a pleasure to work in the center of the High-Tech discrete manufacturing industry of Eindhoven.

Opleiding Expert IT systems and devices

Crebonummer: 25606
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