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Allround laborant

  • Sittard
  • periode 1-12-2022 t/m 1-12-2024

You will be responsible for following/performing experimental procedures in multi-step synthesis on variable scale + follow-up reactions, work-up, purification as well as executing and reporting chemical analysis in a commercial setting using a GCMS, HPLC or FTIR.

Getagd als: Computer Science, HBO, ICT, IT, Online, Software, Systeembeheer

Research on a novel catalyst in organic synthesis / Process optimization for a WHO essential medicine. Join our young, driven team and learn to apply your knowledge to its best.

Wat ga je leren?

  • Bereidt analyses voor
  • B1-K1-W1 Maakt een planning
  • B1-K1-W2 Ontvangt en registreert materiaal
  • B1-K1-W3 Bewerkt materiaal voor
  • Voert analyses uit
  • B1-K2-W1 Voert basisanalyses uit
  • B1-K2-W2 Beoordeelt en rapporteert meetwaarden
  • B1-K2-W3 Onderhoudt werkplek en apparatuur

Naar wie zijn wij op zoek?

You should have some experience in the laboratory we can build on. Common sense is crucial. You should feel safe and enjoy working in a laboratory. The rest you will learn over time

Wat biedt het bedrijf?

Synergy Solutions is a young start up company, working as a CRO/CMO with the main focus on analysis of raw materials, bulk and finished products as well as synthesis of pharmaceutical drugs (meeting regulatory GMP requirements) and complex commercially unavailable molecules. The laboratory offers enumeration and detection of a vast spectrum of organic molecules such as APIs, solvent and drug impurities, pesticides, hydrocarbons, essential oils and semivolatiles. Feel free to visit our facility for a quick tour!

Opleiding Allround laborant

Crebonummer: 25044
Leerweg: bol


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  • Leerbedrijf ID
  • 100711841